Epigenetics and Chromosome

Epigenetics is the study of heritable changes in gene function without including the progressions in DNA arrangement. It principally includes the progressions in a chromosome which influences gene activity and functions, and furthermore be utilized to report any heritable phenotypic change which doesn't get from an adjustment of the genome. Such impacts on cell and physiological phenotypic qualities may result due to normal development. A chromosome is a long DNA particle with genetic material of an organism. Most eukaryotic chromosomes incorporate bundling proteins called histones which, helped by chaperone proteins, tie to and gather the DNA atom to maintain its integrity. These chromosomes show an intricate three-dimensional design, which assumes a huge part in transcriptional guideline.

  • DNA damage
  • Covalent modification
  • Structural Inheritance
  • Nucleosome positioning
  • Transgenerational

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